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Your tax dollars paying for illegal immigrants Dental happens to be a fact

<p value="<amp-fit-text layout="fixed-height" min-font-size="6" max-font-size="72" height="80"> Yup, when you think you've had enough with stupid democrats lets have a look at this article and scratch our heads. Better yet, lets share this around, and don't be afraid to share it with your local news channel like I do often. They don't think my stories are worth telling for some reason. Like Leonardo Satellites switching votes and 5 are already in prison for it. Perhaps they hate that story right? Journalist are scum in my world. How can they not know what's going on. Is the brainwashing in college that bad? They say college kids these days have a 1987 high school degree and I believe it. Firmly. I can't wait for NBC and the like get their asses handed to them. I want them gone the most. They obviously do quite a bit of damage. I often wonder if they are using MK Ultra stuff in commercials and during segments of their news broadcasts. Just cause they say they stopped doing it doesn't mean they did. Sure wish Paul Harvey was around to tell us the rest of the story. Yup, when you think you’ve had enough with stupid democrats lets have a look at this article and scratch our heads. Better yet, lets share this around, and don’t be afraid to share it with your local news channel like I do often. They don’t think my stories are worth telling for some reason. Like Leonardo Satellites switching votes and 5 are already in prison for it. Perhaps they hate that story right? Journalist are scum in my world. How can they not know what’s going on. Is the brainwashing in college that bad? They say college kids these days have a 1987 high school degree and I believe it. Firmly. I can’t wait for NBC and the like get their asses handed to them. I want them gone the most. They obviously do quite a bit of damage. I often wonder if they are using MK Ultra stuff in commercials and during segments of their news broadcasts. Just cause they say they stopped doing it doesn’t mean they did. Sure wish Paul Harvey was around to tell us the rest of the story.


Just trying to share the truth with people. If you have something to share please do and share links when you can to provide Nay say'n fools the proof they need.

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